Monday, March 11, 2013

Day in the Life

I know I haven’t posted in quite sometime, but my experiences are starting to become more “everyday” experiences and nothing has seemed too worth posting!

That being said though, I’ve been here for a month and a half already, but everyday I’m still learning something new. I spent this weekend alone- my friends all traveled to different countries, but I hung here since I’m off to Venice next week! I was looking forward to a weekend alone since I had such a great time after I got back from Barcelona and was able to just wander around the city. Of course it ended up raining all weekend, but I still got to spend some time shopping and hanging out in different cafés.

I’ve realized that traveling alone puts you in the best (and most difficult) situation. It can be easy to rely on your friends who speak better than you, but being alone this weekend really showed me how much potential I have.

I really had a lot of time to reflect on just how much I’ve improved. I was shopping and the cashier told me how much the cost was, and I got the money out of my bag without even looking at the cash register.

I now know that any restaurant I go into, I seat myself. I look like a natural! I just walk in, wave at the waiter for a menu or even just yell what I want.

The other week I was listening to a couple of people on the bus, and the woman who was talking was wearing a circle scarf. The guys she was with kept making fun of her and saying “c’est pas une écharpe! Tu doit la couper!” I actually found myself laughing and realized I was listening to them speak in French and understood everything they were saying.

Some of the weirdest things happened to me this past week. I’ll be eaves dropping on some people, and they’ll get off the bus, or turn down another street or finish up their coffee and I’ll realize that I can’t remember if they were speaking in English or French. That’s how well I could understand them! It is a weird experience.

I also was in my apartment cooking, and thought to myself, “I need to go get my computer.” But I thought it in French. What the heck!

The best part about this weekend was when I was getting breakfast and coffee out at a café under my apartment. A man sitting near me started talking to me and asking me where I was from. He said his daughter is here learning English and gave me her number so we could meet up and help each other out. I was speaking in broken French, but he kept saying, “I understand everything you’re saying. You speak very well!” What a nice (and very generous…) compliment.

I promise I will start to be better about my blogging!  From now until the end of April I have a visit from my boyfriend, a trip to Venice, a trip to London and Dublin, a visit from my family, a trip to Paris and a visit from my friend in Seville! Anyways, I’ll have a lot more exciting stuff to post about!

Here’s some photos of last weekend when we went to check out the Villas in Beaulieu sur Mer (literally translates to “Beautiful Place on the Sea”). Enjoy!

Until next time,

(Je ne peux pas croire combien j'ai grandi depuis mon arrivée ici. Je suis très familier avec la ville maintenant. Je connais les gens et la culture, et je deviens niçoise! C'est un accomplissement. Je sais que je n'ai plus de place pour grandir, et je ne peux pas attendre.)

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