Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We have arrived!

« Messieurs et Mesdames, nous sommes arrivés à Nice. »

But first, lets rewind 24 hours…

Friday morning consisted of a lot of goodbyes, a snowy drive to D.C. (with a short and tearful goodbye stop in College Park), and three stressed-out members of the Witt clan maneuvering shoes, straighteners, backpacks and sweaters between three suitcases and a backpack.

After a summer of applications to the Maryland-in-Nice program, a fall of tough decision-making and a winter of preparation, the day was here. It was January 25 and I was about to leave for France for four and a half months.
My amazing parents waved goodbye as I walked through security at the Washington-Dulles airport and two of my TriDelta sisters and I got ready for the experience of a lifetime.

Our flight was expected to stop in Amsterdam on the way to Nice, but the flight in Amsterdam had been cancelled. We were able to get onto a jam-packed flight to Paris (where we had a seven hour layover…) and head to Nice the next day. We landed in the early evening as the sun was setting over the Mediterranean, which I missed because I was sleeping (quelle surprise).

But now we’re here! Its been a little bit of an adjustment having a small space and not having Wi-Fi or a phone to be able to call home, but we’re getting there! I spent one day figuring out how to get a small, portable Wi-Fi. Take your worst experience you’ve ever had at Verizon. Now put that in another language.

Our apartment has two bedrooms, a very small kitchen with odd appliances consisting of two toasters, a mini fridge and regular fridge and no oven, a futon (which has already had a couple of guests) and a teeny-tiny bathroom (with no outlet. What?! Looks like my hair is au naturel for the next four months).

We live on a small walking street above billions of cafes, cute boutiques and tiny marchés. Its about a 35 minute walk to the Université de Nice where we’ve spent the past few days preparing for multiple placement tests. Classes won’t start for some time but I already feel my French improving just from being here and trying to communicate with so many people!

The past few days have been wandering the streets of Nice, the beautiful beaches (warm weather, where are you?) buying bread from les boulangeries, eating a real French crêpe and drinking wine at the local bars, pubs and during the dinner a couple of friends and I made! Oh, and LOTS of cheese.

I don’t have too many pictures of the city yet. We were told to “blend” so we didn’t look so American. But gosh, it’s obvious. We try to fit in but we stick out like sore thumbs next to these Niçois Anyways, I’ll try to snap more pictures soon. The next post I promise to have more apartment pictures and street views!

Tomorrow will be close to 70 degrees, so if you’re looking for me, I’ll be on the beach.

Beaucoup des baisers !


P.S. Blogging is a lot harder than I thought it would be.. forgive the format. Its going to take some time to figure out!

(C’est un peu d’ajustement. Je manque ma famille, mon petit ami et tous mes amis. Mais, cette ville est très belle et je suis chanceuse d’avoir cette opportunité ! Tout le monde qui j’ai rencontré est incroyable ! Je ne peux pas croire que c’est ma ville pour quatre mois. à bientôt ! )


  1. Love it - cant wait to hear more!!


  2. sons et ressemble ous avoir un grand temps! Gardez les mises à jour à venir!
