Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Since I’ve gone off to college, of course Easter hasn’t been the same as it was when I was younger. One year my parents came down to D.C. for brunch, last year I came back home and celebrated with our good family friends, but this year was much different.

On Saturday, it was raining (of course) so my roommate and I went to the Modern Art Museum here. We’ve wanted to do that on a rainy day, but can never get ourselves motivated to crawl out of bed. It ended up being really cool even though some of the art was dark, but my favorite was one exhibit that sort of mocked the idea of art. Here’s some photos from the museum:

On Sunday, Amanda and I got up early for mass at a church right down the street. The service ended up being in English other than a few French sections and the church was really beautiful. It made me kind of homesick- I’m not sure if I’ve been to mass without my family at all other than getting ashes in the Catholic Student Center at Maryland one year.

I told Amanda about how my dad and I always play a game when we go to church together. When we share a sign of peace, my dad and I always count how many people we shake hands with and then hold our fingers up at the end. A few hours after our service, my dad texted me “11 peace be with you’s!” Obviously it brought a tear to my eye. Luckily though, I get to see my mom, sister and our good family friend in less than two weeks! (Even though I really wish my dad could be here too.)

After mass we got crepes for brunch, then changed out of our church clothes and went to the beach. It felt like 70 degrees and sunny and it was absolutely gorgeous. We stayed there for almost four hours and I even got freckles! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this is the just the beginning on beautiful weather.

That being said though, I’m heading for the cold to London and Dublin this weekend! Look out for a blogpost about that!

Until then,

P.S. Here's some pictures of a really cut husky puppy on the beach that everyone deserves to see:

(Depuis mon copain a visité et Pâques ce week-end dernier, je me suis senti mal du pays. Ma famille me manque beaucoup et je ne peux pas attendre de les voir bientôt. Pâques était une expérience différente, mais je manquez la célébration avec les amis et la famille de la maison. Mais je n'ai certainement pas l'esprit de la conditions météo!)

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