Monday, February 11, 2013

Cannes et Monaco

It is unbelievable that I’ve only been here for two weeks. These last few days have been the most unreal experiences of my whole life.

We took a day trip to Cannes which was organized by our program and it was absolutely breathtaking. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Cannes Film Festival, but we spent the day touring and checking out the amazing sights that Cannes has to offer. We explored the Musee de la Castre, which is up a little hill and a short walk from the train station. The museum was okay, but the really amazing part was the view. There was a great view outside the museum, but in the middle of the museum there is a really tall building, almost lighthouse-esque, and you climb up about a billion stairs and end up with the most amazing view. We all just stood up there for a half hour just staring and talking about how dang lucky we are.

We were also able to take a ferry to a small island off of Cannes called Saint Honorat. Towards the back of the island there is an ancient monastery, which is actually one of the oldest in Europe. Again, the view. How many times am I going to say “amazing view” in this blog post? I guess that’s what I get for living in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Anyways… so I’m on top of this ancient monastery. On an island. Behind me is the Mediterranean. In front of me is the most gorgeous church and absolutely breath taking sights. To my right is a small adorable vineyard. And just beyond that are the snow covered Alps. What?!

So that was Thursday, and then Saturday we went to Monaco and lived like kings and queens for a night. We went out to dinner in an adorable Italian restaurant that was about a 3-minute walk from Monte Carlo casino. We did a family style meal so we all got to sample about 10 appetizers, 3 entrees (one of which was gnocchi in a Gorgonzola sauce. That’s all I need to say), and a bunch of amazing desserts. Lucky for us, my roommate knows some people who live in Monaco who were able to show us the country and really give us a feel for it all. We got to see the road for the Grand Prix, the casino at night (which I’ve been lucky enough to see before in the daytime, but walking towards it at night is a totally different story), all the beautiful cars and boats, and we hung out on the port for the rest of the night where we could literally see Italy from where we were.

Other than all that though, I started classes today, which means I think I need to start being a student and not just frolicking around France. Wish me luck in my first week of classes since December 11th!

If you’re still reading this, thanks! I figured out how to change the comments options, so you should be able to comment freely if you like.


(Suis-je la fille la plus chanceuse au monde? Je crois. Je sais que je fais l’expérience les choses qui la majorité des gens ne pourrait jamais. Je suis très reconnaissante pour tout ce que je peux faire. Quand je me réveille de ce rêve ?)

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing get to work! Love and miss you so much!
